Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I said 'penises' on CBC radio today :)

2 years ago, I had cancer.

Today, I was on CBC radio accross Canada discussing kids seeing 'penises' on school computers.

How freaking cool is that?

I had a 15 minute interview LIVE on the radio about my daughter accessing questionable things online and everyone loved me.

Fred and 8 of his buddies working around the farm in preparation for the new 'additions' all sat around the fire drinking beer and listening to my 'Dr. Laura' mentality of kids online.

30 minutes after it was done, CBC called me back and said that they were inundated with calls and emails expressing horror at what their elementary kids could see at school and CBC had an offer.

I'm going to be doing a '30' minute online segment with them next week and parents will be able to call in and ask me questions and I will give them answers....


Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star.

Seriously though, its a great thing.

Cancer made me want to do IT ALL today cause I might not have tomorrow.

One always puts things off to 'another' day until that day becomes a bit of an option really.

The ride has been 'sweet' post cancer.

I wake up and do all kinds of 'shit' everyday now that no mere 'mortal' would EVER be able to do.

Got a job to get done?

Give it to a cancer survivor. They'll get 'er done'....

Sometimes, I think about my cancer coming back.

Will it? Won't it? Will I actually know before-hand or will a CT scan bring me down and make me want to plan my life for the next 24 months. I might only have that much time.

God only really knows.

It takes a lot to take something so 'sinister' as cancer and turn it into the 'dance' of your life.

I hope that one person reading this blog is doing so as they are looking for inspiration for what they are going through or what they WILL be going through.

I walked the walk and talked the talk and I lived through it and so will you.

Indeed, I have days where I am so, so tired.

Some would blame it on the radiation. I blame it on the fact that I have shitloads of animals now, work 2 jobs, raise 4 kids and a pure-bred german dude who is always right.

Sometimes, we go through rough shit.

Life is like that.

I think the secret to 'living' through it is accepting it for what it is and taking your 'hand' dealt and looking at the possiblities in front of your face.

How man people do you know that have been able to say, 'penises' on CBC radio? :)

"And what did you do today?" is my new saying for life.

The game plan found me

For all of you following this blog and my 'crazy, sexy, wouldn't trade it for the world' life after having had cancer, I have more news on this subject.

The last blog left you all wondering what happened next? What became of the 12 year old computer 'vixen' posing as a 17 year old 'hotty' online?

Oh where to begin.

Once I found all of the 'damning' evidence on my daughter's 'um activities online, I went back through the chain of events piecing together dates and times.

I was a bit perplexed by some of the 'date stamps' on emails showing pictures of 'penises' being send to my daughter during the day. hmmmm...

Spidey senses go off instantly.

I get out my calendar and I look and research the data in front of me and what did I find?

She was accessing 'facebook' and downloading porno AT FREAKING SCHOOL.

I sat back with my newly aquired knowledge and wondered what to do.

Dr. Google gave me the email address to the principal, the director of IT for the school district that I am in as well as the superintendant of schools for the district.

Friday evening after a few glasses of a damn good shiraz, I licked my lips and I sat at my desk and I wrote the most damning email I have ever written criticizing them ALL for actually allowing my daughter to view materials she sure as hell wouldn't be able to do at home.

I was shocked.....

I also contacted our local papers and send a 'letter to the editor' as well.

Did it stop there?


Within 10 minutes of the paper receiving it, I received a call from the editor asking if they could instead do a full-page story on the 'issue' complete with a statement from the school board.

Yup, go ahead.

Parents have a right to know what their kids can do online in elementary schools.

I believe this to be so.

It was published in the newspaper today and within an hour, I recieved a call at home from both the Vancouver Province and CBC Canada asking me if I would be interested in doing a 'live radio' call-in show TODAY...hehehe

Can you believe it?

I'm going to be a radio "super star" at 5:40 this afternoon on CBC live. lol

We are going to be discussing this incident with my daughter as well as what I believe should be being done to protect our kids online while they are at schools.

The communications director for the school board declined to be on the radio as well but they issued a statement stating that today, no other child can access 'facebook' in elementary schools in my school district. (freaking wuss)

Tis funny how a game plan strangely comes together and all I have to do is sit back and participate.

I'm a radio 'super star'....hehehe

Oh yeah.

The side note as well should include the fact that both Fred and I decided that Brianne will now be going to a private school in September complete with a uniform.

The plan is now done.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Why doesn't everything have a game plan?

Upon being diagnosed with cancer, a chain of events magically kicked into place which provided dates and times for both chemotherapy and radiation.

I was given a card which said the dates and times with poison and rads and all I had to do was show up.

We all know that life is not like that and sometimes I miss the 'checks' done with CT scans to show that all is well or not.

How do we really know if what we are doing in our lives or even a specific circumstance is the right thing to do at the time?

I am going through this right now with my daughter.

"Bri" is 13 going on about 20 and I am just starting to encounter the glorious teenage years where you are always wrong and the only thing they want to do with you is be driven somewhere and then dropped off or else provide cash.

About a year ago, Bri was banned from the computer for adding people to her 'friends' list that she did not know.

Open and shut case.

I secretly found out by checking her emails to find some dude Arabia asking about how her brother, Dane was doing.

I immediately pulled the plug on her having net access and thought it was done.

Fred woke up last night at 3am to get a drink of milk and found Brianne on the computer in chat rooms talking to people 'looking for love in their 30's'.

Needless to say Fred was not impressed and before she could close down the multitude of open windows, she was grabbed out of her seat and told to go to bed and the office door was locked.

I went to look when I got out of bed this morning and I was mortified at what I saw.

Pictures of 'dicks' (obviously photo-shopped or else I'm seriously lacking in the 'size' department. HOLY SHIT !!!!)

There were about 12 chat windows open with various people with random names who have no life whatsoever. Who would really be 'looking for love' at 3am online?

I then went to the chat room where she was 'lurking' and almost fell off of my chair, laughing mostly at this point?

By this time, It's 7:30 am and I have all of the evidence I need at this point.

Time to move on to more fun and games while I had the chance being in some of these 'naughty' rooms for a reason.

I got a 'private message' from Abraham asking if I liked the pic in his profile??

"Hmmm, didn't really look before then. Of course I had to and he strangely looked like Brat Pitt.

"You are kinda cute", I reply.

"Wanna see more of me?" he asks

"Go for it, big boy"...(I say this as I see that he was also starting this same thing with my daughter in an open window)

He sends me the pic and I almost busted a 'damn' gut laughing at the pic which was obviously photo-shopped.

Clean shaven and the pic was from chest to about knees but I sure couldn't concentrate on his knees. WOW (I could so not imagine 'doing' that. I have cows in the field with smaller dicks than this had on it.)

I think there was that one guy that was so 'hung' that he'd pass out before he got hard. Maybe a porn star?

This guy would have had a coronary FOR SURE. hehehe

Anyways, I respond back with,"What a joke. I've seen WAY WAY bigger than that, little boy".

Who in their right mind would be looking for sex at 7:30 in the morning when I can barely stay away trying to get the caffeine in while calming down a wee baby-boy....(cutie by the way)

Bri sulked up the stairs and I gave her a kiss and sent her on her way.

I saw her briefly looking back wondering when the axe was gonna fall as I'm Irish and THEY ALWAYS FREAKING FALL hard.

I dropped Dane off at the sitters as I needed a me day to think.

After pondering it for the morning and looking at both sides of the equation as I was once that age as well, I came up with the following resolution to this huge problem brewing at home.

I am making her sign a 'contract' of sorts with both Fred and I.

The contract stipulates that after a 'week' of solid grounding, she will be ALLOWED back on the computer with her own ID and password. I will tell her what the ID will contain and I will know at all times what the password will stay as.

She will be allowed an hour each day to chat with her friends on MSN messanger but no chat lines.

She was told that there is now a 'key-logger' in place that records her views of web-pages and text that she sends and receives.

There is a fine line between 'negotiation' and 'breaking someone's will' and I do not want to go there.

I don't want to totally segregate her and have her rebel against me which opens up a whole new damn can of worms.

Nor do I want to keep her naive as she's getting old enough to need to have a little bit of street smarts in this 'advancing' world.

She will sign the contract and be given a bit of reign .

In return for her signing this contract, she will graduate from grade 7 this year and be able to attend her prom with a cute dress and heels.

If she fails, she signed this 'event' away of her own doing and her own actions.

Good call or bad, it keeps her happy and it keeps me thinking that she is safe.

Hopefully, she sees it as a game plan.