Friday, March 7, 2008

Where oh where did my progesterone go...oh where..

Menopause, getting old, Men-o-pot. Call it what you will.

I was thrown into immediate menopause when I finished my first visit with 'sparky' the radiation wonder.

I thought (at first) that my period would go away slowly monthly to bi-monthly to semi-yearly to.....(you get the picture)

It did not work this way.

"Poof", like a flash I was done.

No more sore boobs each month. No more buying tampons. No bitchiness to blame on my period. (sucks to not have that excuse anymore, believe you me)

Its amazing how much estrogen and progesterone affect our female bodies.

I started sweating at night a bit. I also started noticing little 'granny' hairs which I plucked faster than you can say, "old lady". :)

Tweezers with 'diamond tip points' suddenly became my new best friend.

After a few months of this, I decided to visit the doctor and go on hormone replacement drugs. I take a daily dose of estrogen and progesterone and do feel somewhat better.

The debate is out though, on whether these HRTs actually cause cancers instead of just relieving symptoms of the treatments of those cancers.

I went looking on Dr. Google and was shocked to find out that my risk of breast cancer is higher while on the HRTs and my risk of colo-rectal cancer is actually lower. !!!


So, I ponder...

I've already had fucking colo-rectal cancer. (I call it this as most people whom I tell I have had anal cancer just look at me blankly pondering if I REALLY had cancer in my ass?) Call me politically 'cancer correct.'

Yes, people there is such a thing as cancer in one's "ass" !!!!

If my risk is lower for something that I've already had, isn't that just a tad bit screwed up then?

Does that not make my risk for breast cancer even higher then if I've already received the low prize from the HRTs?

I've never had breast cancer. I'm sure its like the cancer I had only maybe a bit higher....(OK, a LOT higher as my 'tatas' have not fallen THAT much yet.)

Will I stop the 'fake' hormone therapy?


"Why Not?" you ask.

It is so much nicer having mucous come out of your 'private' place than out of your ass. !!! One of the first signs of my cancer was ass 'mucous'....:)

I feel way 'purdier' with the hormones.

Freddy is also way more attractive to me when I am on hormones. No hormones, no sexual feelings. Its as simple as that.

I always knew I would go into menopause. Given fact really.

I however never thought it would be immediate and I would only be 39 years of age and my little boy would only be 8 months old. WOW

I'm going to watch the news and keep track of the new finding on HRTs and maybe change my mind.

For now though, I'll keep doing what I'm doing and hope that I haven't geared myself up for a second round with Hank and his friends.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the sweat club!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the sweat club!

Anonymous said...

Did I happen to say ....welcome to the sweat club?