She was going to have her 'last' baby at 41 years of age.
"Will you come with me and help me bring him into the world?" she asked.
"But of course, my friend. I will be there with bells on", I said.
Last night while sitting at home, my phone rings.
Yup, its Calie and her water just broke and it was green....uh oh...Not a good sign.
I drove as calmly as I could over to her house and picked up her and her husband and calmly drove them to the hospital. I was shaking like a leaf inside but showed only confidence and caring on the outside.
At 11:00 last night, she was 3 cms dilated and feeling pretty comfy about the whole situation.
Not even 2 hours later, she was at 6 cms and her contractions were coming 6-8 minutes apart.
I remember sitting in the chair with my eyes closed at 3 am getting gently 'lulled' to sleep by the beat of her baby's heart on the monitor. Thump, thump, thump, thump.
At her 4am check, she was fully dilated and ready to push.
Its incredulous to watch a woman lose control over her body as she does something that women have done through the ages.
Her body opened up so magically and I watched as this amazing baby popped out of her body 6 minutes and 2 pushes later.
The doctor knowingly caught him as he left the warm confines of his other world and laid him gently on her belly.
I was in absolute awe. What a miracle life and birth really are.
Max was then placed in an incubator and cleaned up from his ordeal of birth and wrapped in a blanket. A hat was placed on his head to keep him warm and he was then given to me.
I accepted the baby into my arms and I held him close as I took in the 'smell' of this newborn baby. I will never ever forget the 'smell' of a newborn baby fresh out of him mom.
As I sat down with him in the rocking chair and cuddled him in my arms, he opened his eyes and I was shocked at the 'knowledge' in them.
He looked around the room and although they say that newborns cannot see at first, I swear that he looked at his new family and he smiled and then he yawned.
What an amazing thing childbirth is.
It is raw and it is powerful and it made me choke back a tear as I held this baby with 10 perfect fingers and 10 perfect toes.
I left Calie and her baby early this morning and came to work.
They will spend the day getting to know each other and develop a bond that will last for a lifetime.
Welcome to the world, Max.
You will be loved.
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