All the chemo and radiation which I had to take in order to get rid of my cancer obviously causes a lot of issues with the human body.
With all the good also comes the bad.
So, in keeping with my helping others 'mantra' that I have going on, I've also decided to start helping myself.
I've joined a gym and a personal trainer and although I'm only a few weeks in, I already feel more energetic and I expect to start seeing some results in the mirror sooner rather than later.
We all think that we have to accept aging and the inevitable belly and flabby legs but I've decided that this is not good enough for me.
If my body can handle all of the chemicals and radiation, it should also be able to take the pounding on the treadmill and the pushing of the heart-rate to optimum levels.
Our bodies really are temples and we should maybe try and treat them a bit more like the temples that they are.
I have decided to employ running, weights, pilates and yoga to get old 'Bertha' back into shape.
I'll report in each month and let everyone know of my progress.
1 comment:
You go girl....
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